External Advisory Board

We are pleased to have the following experts as our EAB in place:

Dr. Jennifer Brennan has a track record as reseacher in chemistry and moreover as expert in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, both as National Contact Point and national delegate for Ireland. Jennifer is now director at the Irish technological higher education association. Her expertise in training and high-level project monitoring will be a very important contribution to MOQS.

Dr. Michael Biercuk is Professor of Quantum Physics and Quantum technology at the University of Sydney and the CEO and Founder of Q-CRTL, a venture capital backed quantum technology company. Michael’s knowledge in the non-academic sector will be an added plus for MOQS

Dr. Simone Montangero is Professor for Physics at the University of Padua in Italy with expertise in quantum science, classical simulations and optimal control. His knowledge of the academic side of quantum research will be an asset for our fellows and the consortium as a whole.